A Culinary Adventure in Bergen
Story: A Culinary Adventure in Bergen
Episode: 4
Presenter: Trevor Cochrane
Air Date: 5th February 2023
Trevor embarks on a culinary adventure like no other in Bergen with Viking.
- Indulge in a truly unique and unforgettable culinary experience where you can delve into the local culture and cuisine!
- Embark on a one-of-a-kind interactive journey with one of Viking’s top-notch chefs to handpick the freshest ingredients at a bustling local market.
- These ingredients will later be transformed into delectable regional dishes onboard.
- As you explore the beautiful shores, you'll have the opportunity to join the talented culinary team and bring your culinary skills to life as you help prepare a sumptuous feast for the evening meal.
- You'll learn the secrets of cooking techniques and master the art of plating and presentation, as you work alongside your fellow culinary adventurers.
- Taste the flavours of the town come to life as the world-class culinary staff aboard the ship transforms your handpicked ingredients into a tantalizing feast for your taste buds.
- Experience a culinary journey like no other with Viking.
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