From The Roads To The Sea

Story Title: From The Roads To The Sea
Episode: 4
Broadcast Date: 30th November 2013
Presenter: Trevor Cochrane & Kim Syrus

Trevor and Kim explore the third largest maritime province in Atlantic Canada

A Look at a Coastal Town

  • New Brunswick was one of the first provinces to join together to create the dominion of Canada in 1867
  • The Bay of Fundy is spectacular and the tides here are some of the biggest in the world with it not unusual to have a 16 metre tide
  • Hopewell Rocks are between 15 to 30 metres tall and made up of a conglomerate and sandstone rock type, the vast movement of water through here has shaped them eroding the base faster than the top
  • The chance to walk the ocean floor occurs here twice daily with enormous volumes of water rushing in as the tide comes back and this has shaped an almost surreal landscape.
  • Small picturesque towns, like St Martins, dot the Fundy coastline and are well worth a visit
  • The spectacular scenery continues at Cape Enrage. Appropriately named due to its large, treacherous reef and rolling fogs which have caused extremely hazardous conditions for passing ships over the years. The Capes great lighthouse has saved many a ship from disaster and is a popular destination to take in the panoramic view. During summer Cape Enrage is a brilliant place to come and take part in adventure activities such as kayaking and adrenalin charged zip lining
  • For more information on New Brunswick click here

